4 Biggest benefits of studying abroad

4 Biggest benefits of studying abroad

Does your child feel uncertain about his or her future study choice? Has your son or daughter always been a bit of an adventurer? Why not consider giving him or her the opportunity to spend a year abroad?

Studying abroad is a unique opportunity to broaden your horizon. It will change your child’s future and will be an enriching experience on different levels.


No hablo español


The best way to learn a foreign language is to dive right into it! Learning the local language is part of the integration process and will make the foreign experience very rewarding.

Native speakers will surely appreciate the student’s efforts and will offer him the opportunity to improve his speaking skills. Universities sometimes give language courses to provide a more formal education to expats.

Furthermore, being able to add an official language to a CV will be a huge benefit for your child’s future professional career.



Let’s not forget the main reason you allowed your child to pack up and leave the country: indeed, education. Deciding on a study choice is most likely deciding on a career.

Certain colleges or universities may offer specific courses on your child’s personal interests. So choosing the right school is a very important step in your child’s future professional life.

See the world

Exploring a brand-new country means understanding the people, getting to know their culture, customs and traditions. Outside of the classroom, a whole new world is waiting to be discovered!


Your child will have the opportunity to explore his new home country, its natural wonders and cultural background. Why not visit some neighbouring countries as well? Foreign students broaden their horizon and will set up a network of international friends.

Independency & maturity


Most young people who choose to study abroad are leaving their safe nest for the very first time. A huge step as they will now have to leave their comfort zone and manage simple things as opening a bank account or making a dentist’s appointment by themselves.

As a parent, sending your child abroad can be an emotional time. On the one hand you encourage them, on the other hand you have to let them go.

Some parents decide to rent their child’s room as a way to usefully fill the empty space. Meanwhile they temporarily keep their child’s possessions safe in storage. Why not have a chat with a Shurgard storage specialist to discuss your options?

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