ESG Strategy

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Last updated 26/07/202417:35:12

For Shurgard, corporate Environment Social Governance (“ESG”) responsibility began as a commitment to reduce carbon emissions (as documented in previous annual reports). The scope of our programme has broadened over time and we believe that every organisation has a commitment to improvement of ESG performance. As such we commit to:

  • The fulfilment of relevant compliance obligations;
  • Working to ensure we understand climate change risks and the potential impact on our business – to ensure business resilience (or sustainability);
  • Continually working towards the development and implementation of an environmental management system to enhance environmental performance and integrate recognised environmental management into our business operations;
  • Protection of the environment, including the prevention of pollution and sustainable use of resources;
  • Measure and act to reduce the carbon footprint of our business activities to meet our published objectives in the annual report;
  • Manage waste generated from our business operations incorporating reduction, re-use, recycling in accordance with the principles of the waste hierarchy;
  • Give due consideration to environmental issues (such as biodiversity) and energy performance in the acquisition, design, refurbishment, location and use of buildings;
  • Ensure environmental, including climate change, criteria are considered in the procurement of goods (including building materials) services;
  • Incorporating environmental factors into business decisions as standard.


The Chief Executive Officer (“CEO”) is responsible for ensuring that this policy is implemented. To ensure implementation, the CEO is a member of the Shurgard Sustainability Team, responsible for driving performance forward. Furthermore, all employees have a duty to ensure the commitments and aims of this policy are met.

Our objectives in more detail


  • Develop prioritised action plans for an optimized management of energy and water across all buildings;
  • Reduce energy consumption and carbon emissions by 10% in 2023 (based on 2017 base year) on a same store basis;
  • Reduce water consumption by 5% by 2023 (against a base of 2017) on a same store basis;
  • Develop an environmental management system with gradual alignment to ISO 14001;
  • Develop a framework to assess sustainability risks at all assets – to address all key issues including energy, water, waste and flood risk;
  • Introduce programmes to track waste management.


  • Keep rolling-out the Shurgard Academy programme;
  • Establish a community and charitable engagement policy;
  • Continue to empower gender equality.


  • Review and, where appropriate, update our existing corporate governance charter;
  • Report on sustainability programmes through EPRA compliant approaches.

General Sustainability

  • Participate in GRESB and work to improve scores year-on-year;
  • Develop further sustainability training programmes for our employees;
  • Continue to develop supply chain engagement frameworks.