Shareholder Structure

Share price

Last updated 26/07/202417:35:12

The following table presents the beneficial ownership of the shares as of 30 June 2024

  • Number of shares Percentage
  • Public Storage Group* Number of shares 33,803,398 Percentage 34,72
  • New York Common Retirement Fund
    (together with its subsidiary Shurgard European Holdings LLC)*
    Number of shares 32,873,457 Percentage 33.77
  • Resolution Capital Ltd. Number of shares 3,386,955 Percentage 3.48
  • Free float Number of shares 27,285,994Percentage 28.03
  • Total Number of shares 97,349,804 Percentage 100.0
  • *An agreement to act in concert exists between Public Storage group, New York Common Retirement Fund and Shurgard European Holdings LLC.

Shareholding declaration obligation

In application of the Belgian law of 2 May 2007 on the disclosure of significant shareholdings in issuers whose securities are admitted to trading on a regulated market and containing various provisions, implementing in Belgian law Directive 2004/109/EC, shareholders whose stake in Shurgard’s capital crosses the threshold of 3%, 5%, 10%, 15% and each successive multiple of 5%, in either direction, are required to notify the Belgian Financial Services and Markets Authority (FSMA) ( and Shurgard (

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