2022 Extraordinary General Meeting

Share price

Last updated 26/07/202417:35:12

Due to COVID-19, physical attendance is excluded.
Vote only by power of attorney to the Chairman of the EGM or by correspondence.

An Extraordinary General Meeting of the Shareholders
will take place on December 6, 2022 at 10.30 a.m. (Luxembourg time).

Key dates

  • Description Date
  • DescriptionDeadline for new agenda proposal Date14 November 2022
  • DescriptionNew agenda publication, if any Date21 November 2022
  • DescriptionRegistration date Date22 November 2022 at midnight (Luxembourg time)
  • DescriptionDeadline to send back the shareholder bank certificate Date29 November 2022 at 5.00 pm (Luxembourg time)
  • DescriptionDeadline to send back the participation form Date29 November 2022 at midnight (Luxembourg time)
  • DescriptionDeadline to send written questions Date29 November 2022 at 5.00 pm (Luxembourg time)
  • DescriptionEGM Date6 December 2022 at 10.30 am (Luxembourg time)


  • How to participate at the EGM
  • EGM Convening Notice
  • Participation Forms
  • Proposed Shareholders Resolutions
  • EGM minutes

See Alternative Performance Measures for definitions of terms used on our website