2022 Annual General Meeting

Share price

Last updated 26/07/202417:35:12

Due to COVID-19, physical attendance is excluded.
Vote only by power of attorney to the Chairman of the AGM or by correspondence.

The Annual General Meeting of the Shareholders will take place on 4 May, 2022 at 11.00 a.m. (Luxembourg time).

Key dates

  • Description Date
  • DescriptionDeadline for new agenda proposal Date12 April 2022
  • DescriptionNew agenda publication, if any Date19 April 2022
  • DescriptionRegistration date Date20 April 2022 at midnight (Luxembourg time)
  • DescriptionDeadline to send back the shareholder bank certificate Date27 April 2022 at 5.00 pm (Luxembourg time)
  • DescriptionDeadline to send back the participation form Date27 April 2022 at midnight (Luxembourg time)
  • DescriptionDeadline to send written questions Date27 April 2022 at midnight (Luxembourg time)
  • DescriptionAGM Date4 May 2022 at 11.00 am (Luxembourg time)


  • Minutes of the AGM 2022
  • AGM Convening Notice
  • Participation Forms
  • Proposed Shareholders Resolutions
  • Shareholder Brochure
  • 2021 Annual Report /Stand-Alone Accounts

See Alternative Performance Measures for definitions of terms used on our website